hat tax
season is to accountants or Christmas is to North Pole
elves, NBAA’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition
has long been to Greteman Group. |
As the days tick off,
the activity in our agency continues with a focused intensity.
Deadlines that must be hit. Last-minute requests that need to be
worked in. Production files to check and check again.
But I’m proud to say,
we’re not working around the clock. After almost three decades in
the business, we know the drill. And burning out your team
accomplishes little. In fact, it’s counterproductive. The cockpit
isn’t the only place where mistakes can be tracked to exhaustion.
Crew resource management and human factors come into play at a
marketing agency, too.
If you plan to be one
of the 1,100-plus exhibitors at the 70th annual NBAA-BACE, here’s a
simple preshow checklist that might be of help.
Ads in show dailies
Printer proofs and digital files turned over
to the respective publications by, or in
advance of, their due dates.
Announcements and press releases
Routed and approved through senior
management. Ready to release at the show or,
even better, have already sent embargoed
releases to key reporters and editors so
they can work ahead. Online newsroom updated
and maximized for reporters to easily find
and secure what they need (including
photography and video). |
Booth graphics/giveaways/collateral
All double-checked and to the respective
vendors with clear shipping/delivery
Booth staffing
Everyone briefed about show objectives and
expectations. Any special apparel secured
and badges/buttons produced.
Invitations issued at least three weeks
prior to your event. Follow up with a
reminder to those who have not yet RSVP’d.
If speeches are part of the event,
introductions and talking points for each
person should be written, routed and
Make sure you’ve downloaded NBAA’s free
mobile app, for iPhone and Android
smartphones. Its interactive exhibit floor
plan saves steps as you traverse the
seemingly-endless Las Vegas Convention
Center. Think through who you need to see
and cluster those meetings as much as you
can so you’re not running back and forth
across the floor.
Social media
Follow @NBAA on Twitter for updates and use
the hashtag #NBAA17 to narrow the
conversation further. Clearly lay out your
content strategy for sharing on your various
platforms: Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn,
Facebook, Instagram and blog. Designate who
on your team is primarily responsible for
writing, taking photos/videos and posting.
Give special attention to mobile as show
attendees will be checking you out from
their smartphones and tablets as well as at
your booth.
Trust no one. Build in redundant systems and
IT support to ensure that everything from
video displays to Internet connections
operate without a hitch. |
Remember please and thank you
Being on deadline
makes it more important than ever to
maintain common courtesy. You’re in this
Keep it professional
and solutions-oriented If
upper management starts dictating
last-minute changes, breathe deep and plan
how you will address them. Can you negotiate
for keeping to the previously approved game
plan? If not, can you tap into outside
manpower to protect your team from massive
overtime? Is there middle ground? It’s too
late to change your advertising, but new
messages can be communicated through the
media. |
Maintain the
relationship You
win the battle but lose the war, if you meet
your immediate need but lose your team
member’s heart. The show is all about
building relationships and selling your
product/service through face-to-face
interaction. Your team is equally important
to your success. |
Pull out your favorite, most-comfortable shoes. Never, never,
never wear new shoes to the show. Rookie mistake. You’ll get
blisters and spend a miserable three days hobbling around.
Women, leave the stilettos at home. Pumps or flats serve you
better. While you see prospective aircraft buyers walking the
convention floor or static display wearing any and everything,
they can. The rest of us need to dress as though we were in the
office. It is a business show. |
Get plenty of rest before the show. You’ll need those reserves.
Las Vegas tempts you with its nonstop entertainment. And you
will want to tap into that. Don’t overbook yourself when you get
home. You will be ready for some R&R.
Go into the show expecting great
things and you’re more likely to arrive back at the office
fortified by deepened relationships and new possibilities. The
show will tire you, but it will recharge you, too. It’s great to
reconnect with people you may only see face-to-face once a year.
It has a reunion feel to it. But there are always new faces, new
connections to make. |
Once Your Checklist’s
Complete, Smile
Nothing’s ever
perfect. Nothing’s ever truly done. But that’s why deadlines are
such a blessing. You’re forced to move forward. And, come October
10, at 7 a.m. the doors of the Las Vegas Convention Center will
open. And another not-to-be-missed NBAA-BACE will begin. See you
Business Aviation News | 7th September 2017 | Issue #430 |
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