
Ashley Bowen Cook,
vice president at Greteman Group, a marketing communications
agency based in Wichita, the Air Capital. |
Kansas Aviation’s EcoDevo Focus |
t’s not
enough to have oversight of the state’s 138 public-use
airports and 125 miles of airport runways. |
Not enough to tackle workforce
development and pilot shortages. Not enough to make sense of shifting
regulations and big data. At the monthly meeting of the Wichita Aero Club, new
Kansas Department of Transportation Director of Aviation Bob Brock said his
department must foster economic development.
He shared ideas about how that
could be done and urged attendees to tell him openly and honestly what they
thought. He encouraged the crowd of area aviation professionals to act as an ad
hoc focus group.
Aviation Pride and Possibilities
Brock reminded us of Kansas
aviation’s $20.6bn economic impact through manufacturing, jobs and airports.
What impresses him most: that our region manufactures three out of every four
small aircraft. “That’s kind of a big, dang deal,” Brock said.
As the state’s previous (and its
first) director of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), Brock focused on the changes
drones are bringing to aviation. Twice as many drones are registered in Kansas
as aircraft. Drone usage is growing exponentially, not linearly. Love them or
hate them, aviation needs to make peace with UAS - and leverage the
possibilities they present.
New Kansas
Department of Transportation Director of Aviation Bob Brock spoke to
the Wichita Aero Club on April 27. Brock joined KDOT in 2016 as the
state’s first director of unmanned aircraft systems. He reported to
then KDOT Director of Aviation Merrill Atwater. Atwater left at the
end of 2017 to assume the the role of chief operating officer at
People to People International, an organization created by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Atwater is the great-grandson of the late
president. | Photo courtesy of Visual Media Group. |
Brock hopes to see Kansas rank in
the top 10 states for UAS integration benefits by 2025. These include 3,700 jobs
and a $2.9bn impact. He knows there will be challenges. Technology currently
exceeds regulations, safety practices and aviation standards. Kansas needs
skilled aviation workers, more public-private coordination, and innovation
“Kansas helped create aviation as
it is today and can do so again,” said Brock.
He provided multiple missions -
from search and rescue to bridge inspections - that could be done faster,
cheaper and more accurately with drones and their sensors than by humans and
outmoded tools.
Driving Innovation Through Research and
Brock introduced the Kansas
Aviation Training and Applied Research Academy (KATARA) that he’s envisioning.
Currently, it’s a concept only. He shared enthusiasm for the state's latest
initiative for aviation workforce development and job creation. It would link 32
training organizations into a single standardized training network to meet the
needs of the aviation industry.
When does Brock hope to launch
“I want it yesterday,” he said,
acknowledging the need to act quickly. “Other states are working on this.”
Time will tell who makes it
happen first, but Kansas is home to an aviation community unlike any other. Stay
Director of Aviation Bob Brock served 22 years as an Air Force pilot
and UAS squadron commander, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. His
experience in unmanned aircraft systems includes postings in
intelligence and special operations units utilizing drones. |
Photo courtesy of Visual Media Group. |
BlueSky Business Aviation News | 3rd May 2018| Issue #462 |