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Chris Moore   Connecting You Now

CwC - why customer appreciation events matter

By Chris Moore, President Satcom Direct.


Harry Gordon Selfridge reputedly stated that “the customer is always right,” and this has been the mantra for many a business owner seeking success.

Delivering the experience customers expect is only made possible by interacting with them and going beyond simply providing them with a product and service. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is what drives us. Yet, it is only by interacting and building relationships with them that we can fully understand their needs, how they expect them to be met and how we can anticipate what will be required next.

We don’t just rely on our sales force to interact with those using or thinking of using the SD solutions to power their connectivity, flight operations and training. Since 2005, we have staged Connecting with Customers or CwC. Initially, the event took place solely in North America, but over time, it has evolved, with CwCs now taking place in Europe and Asia.

The meetings enable those we serve to receive updates about the dynamic connectivity landscape, accredited seminars that count toward professional development, demonstrations of the latest cutting-edge technology, workshops on hot topics, and new product showcases from us and our partners. The aim is to highlight all that inflight connectivity offers, what’s available now, what’s coming down the line, and how to identify the resources needed for their specific missions. We also build in time for networking and information sharing.

Jim Jensen and Chris Moore take the stage at CwC.

Jim Jensen and Chris Moore take the stage at CwC.

Importantly, we see the CwC events as a two-way dialogue, and it's an important educational environment for us. It allows us to establish what our clients need, where we’re succeeding, and where we need to adapt and improve. If just one customer requires something, inevitably, others do too.

Just like the technology, CwC continues to evolve. Seventeen years ago, we focused mainly on the maintenance element, with engineers exchanging information about keeping the technology operating best. As innovations expanded beyond voice communication, datalink requirements entered the conversation, and pilots began attending. As connectivity became a necessity, directors of maintenance, fleet managers, aviation IT experts, flight attendants and other stakeholders who are on the front line of connectivity and passenger/crew interaction joined the fray.

Networking with SD partners is a major component of CwC.

Networking with SD partners is a major component of CwC.

This year’s iteration of our CwC activity has once again evolved. Recognizing that a four-day event is too long away from a business, we’ve condensed each CwC and created a portfolio of dates we hope will enable more of our customers to meet with us. Our first CwC of 2024 will take place on February 12th and 13th in Napa Valley, California, and the next on the East Coast of the USA in Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 29th and 30th. A dedicated mil/gov variant is slated for June 17-19th in Tampa, Florida. International event dates are yet to be set but are expected to take place in Europe, the Middle East and Asia later in the year.

A major focus of this year’s events will be the SD Plane Simple antenna series. Following the successful introduction of the SD Plane Simple tail-mounted Ku-band variant, we’re close to the commercial introduction of our Ka-band variant - DO-160 approval was confirmed in late 2023. This will be followed by the introduction of our flat panel, electronically steered antenna, a genuine industry game changer, in the latter part of the year.

The CwC events demonstrate our commitment to customers and provide a platform from which we can set customer expectations while meeting their current needs. Customers who feel angry, frustrated, or disappointed usually have a false impression of what they’re buying. Setting expectations early and often can help avoid conflicts and challenges at a later stage. We recognize the customer is always right, which is why our offering has evolved, and so have our CwC events.

Spaces at the upcoming CwC in Napa and Charlotte are still available. For more information on our events and how to participate, please visit CwC 2024.

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BlueSky Business Aviation News | 18th January 2024 | Issue #731


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